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Designed to help you make the most of Supper Club, all for less than £3 a week.
Packed with step-by-step video tutorials from recipes to kitchen skills so that you can cook and bake along with me from the comfort of your own home, build your skills and feel more confident in the kitchen.
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Instant access to our video platform
Over 120 membership exclusive recipes and cookalong videos
Free access to our monthly Supper Club events
Access to all our previous event full video recordings
Over 100 movement, creative & guided connection practices
Priority access and membership discounts to creative events
Access to our private community group chat
Access anytime, anywhere
No contracts. Cancel anytime

Every year
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Instant access to our video platform
Over 120 membership exclusive recipes and cookalong videos
Free access to our monthly Supper Club events
Access to all our previous event video recordings
Over 100 movement, creative & guided connection practices
Priority access and membership discounts to creative events
Access to our private community group chat
Access anytime, anywhere
No contracts. Cancel anytime
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